What To Feed A Horse With Dull Coat/Dry Skin

What is Dull Coat or Dry Skin?

A dull coat and/or dry skin can be caused by several things, but the most common are:

  • Poor base nutrition including vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

  • Lack of quality protein in diet.

  • Change of season.

To promote a healthy coat, ensure the horse has a quality base diet that meets all its vitamin and mineral requirements. If the horse is on pasture alone, ensure it has a vitamin and mineral balancer pellet to make up for any shortfalls in the pasture.

Protein quality plays an important role in coat condition. Quality protein sources include Extruded Full Fat soyabean meal, faba beans and lupins along with good quality forage. A small amount of  good quality oil on a daily basis can be used to improve coat shine, particularly for sale or show preparation.

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