Emily Anker

Riding Disciplines



Charllotte Pederson, Heath Ryan


Bvlgari, Glenwood Park Cooper Street, Pop The Question, Glenwood Park Nichols and Dimes, Goldie, Ruban Son


Thoroughbreds, Warmblood X and Irish Sport Horse

Is your area a noted horse district? If so give details:

Macclesfield, Very horsey area, though we are on the look out for a bigger property

How did you come to get your horse(s):

Owners and myself and being at the right place at the right time. We are always looking to put syndications together when the right horse comes along.                                                       

Special care and management considerations of your horse(s):

All horses have their own needs. Learning to recognise and apply what each individual horse needs, that in itself is a full time job. With the huge range that Pryde's EasiFeeds offer, it's a lot easier to manage the feeding.

Name the most influential person in your riding career:

Mary King

Describe your first pony:

A very mean and nasty little black Shetland called Midget.

Describe your riding history:

My parents run a riding academy so from the time I was born I have been interested in horses. From the age of 4 I was definitely going to the Olympic Games. I was very keen as a youngster, competing at anything and everything that was on. I won Pony Club State Championships in Dressage, Eventing and Show Jumping. I have competed all around Australia as a Junior and Young Rider. I've continued on with that trend a have been competing at all the CCI**** around the world. You just need to keep on fronting up.

I have been fortunate enough to take my horse Balmoral Cavalier to compete overseas at the leading CCI**** . Kentucky, Badminton, Burghley, Luhmulen and Adelaide, also being named on the short list for Beijing Olympics.  We are always looking for the next superstar.

Did you belong to a Pony Club? Give details:

Seville Pony Club, at the age of 5 once I could saddle my own pony and ride there, I was there.

Do you have any hobbies/other interests?

Snow Skiing and my son Ethan

Describe your most embarrassing moment (horsey):

Getting on the Wide World of Sports opening scenes falling off at Adelaide CCI**** twice at the same jump. Whoops!

Do you have any superstitions?

I have lucky clothes and unlucky clothes. I have a thing about wearing new clothes.

Do you have any 'other' animals?

Stan the Man (Stanley), he's a mini foxie Jack Russell X and he's the best dog in the world.

What are your ambitions?

To represent Australia at the Olympic Games.

What do you require from your horse feed?

Cool, responsive energy Yes

High energy Yes

Balanced minerals and vitamins Yes

Energy for work, without excess calories Yes

Coat condition Yes

No fuss breeding feeds Yes

Specific young horse feeds Yes

Which Pryde's feeds do you use and why do you like them?

EasiResult – it is an allround feed that has a little extra in it for horses that are in work and need a little extra energy without the fizz.

Easi Response - this feed is used for nearly all of our horses and used in conjunction with Easi Result. It gives the he horses a full balanced feed which is not heating and it definitely adds weight. There is not one horse that I have feed it to that has not been neighing for more. They LOVE it!

EasiPerformance- This is added with EasiResult to give my eventers a lot more energy when they are heading for their final 6 weeks in preparation for major events like Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney three day events.

EasiBreed- All my brood mares and young stock live on this with Lucerne chaff and they look a million bucks.

EasiOil- The breeding side and competition side are all on the omega 3,6 and 9 oil.

EasiFeed 300 Pellets - I'm using the 300 pellet to give my horses the added supplements they would lack from the pasture.

Rebuild – This has been so valuable to us over the past couple of years.  This has helped those horses struggling to bloom, these horses needing just a little more help to produce good solid muscle and topline.  It does take a little while to see the results, but when you see it it’s incredible.

Easi Sport – We have 2 horses on this feed and they have previously tied – up, since swapping to this feed we have never looked back!

Have you trained or coached any riders who have had success?

I have a many riders competing at CIC & CCI** level and quite a few young guns that are sure to be out there competing at the higher grades.

How will Pryde's Sponsorship make a difference to you?

Pryde's Sponsorship is helping me to feed my horses to the best of my ability, to look after all of their individual needs in quite a simple and effective way. David Owen is a great asset to Pryde's and a huge help to us. Being able to bounce ideas off him and most importantly talking to someone you can trust to get the right combinations. Most of all, the extent Pryde's has gone to to have Pryde's EasiFeed available to me whilst competing at Kentucky Rolex CCI****.

We both really believe in the Feed and the company and feel it’s a great opportunity for us both to recognise each other in the Industry.

2011 - 1st Place Australian Championships in Wandin CIC***

2010 - Lakes and Craters CCI*** finishing 1st on Keniski

2009 - Jumped around clear xc at Badminton and Burghley CCI****

2008 - Jumped around clear xc at Luhmulan

2007 - 5th Trans Tasman in Taupo New Zealand

2006 - 3rd Adelaide CCI**** and 13th Kentucky CCI****

2005 - 4th Melbourne CICW***

2005 - 1st and 2nd Camperdown CIC***

2004 - Completing Adelaide CCI**** with a broken leg in

2004 - 1st Melbourne CCI***

2007 & 1998 - Member of Australian Trans Tasman team

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Australian Teams

Level 1
Level 2

New Zealand Teams

All Riders