Jason Leitch

Jason Leitch Pryde's EasiFeed Level 1 Sponsored Rider

Riding Disciplines

Cutting, Challenge and Campdraft


Lot 40 is "Whiskey Cat" Futurity Champion 2010


Quarter Horses

Is your area a noted horse district?  If so give details:

Yes. Rockhampton holds a Beef Expo which involves many horse events.

Special care and management considerations of your horse(s):

Special consideration is given to Horsemanship and Presentation of all horses.

Name the most influential person in your riding career and why:

Ray Hunt. The Greatest horseman and gentleman I ever knew.

Special highlight(s) in your riding career:

Winning the 2010 Futurity.

Cloncurry Challenge and two Snowy River Chanllenges and King of the Ranges to make it three in a row.

Describe your first pony:

Blue. A blue galoway that would bold on me 'often'.

Describe your riding history:

I was taught to ride by my mother and attended pony camp.

Do you have any hobbies/interests?

Just Horses.

Describe your most embarrassing (horse related) moment, if any:

Touch wood, haven't had one yet.

Do you have any 'other' animals?

Working Dogs.

What are your ambitions?

To Breed and Train the best horses in the country.

What do you require from your horse feed?

Cool, responsive energy - Our horses compete for two and a half minutes

Balanced minerals and vitamins - Yes

Coat condition - Yes

No fuss breeding feeds - Yes

Which Pryde's feeds do you use and why do you like them?

EasiRide, EasiPerformance, EasiResponse and EasiBreed.

Have you trained or coached any riders who have had success?

James Parker, James Speed, Raymond Porter, Mellisa Speed, Stuart Speed.


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