Get Horses Looking their Best
From the Inside, Out
FORM: Extruded Sweet Feed


Suitable for All Disciplines


25 Kg Bag
Suitable for All Disciplines
25 Kg Bag
Set recipe formulation with the same premium quality proteins used in every batch for incredible muscle building capacity that will draw the eye of any judge or buyer.
Extruded (cooked) to allow horses to fully extract nutrients and maintain healthy hindgut function.
Combines organic copper plus omega fatty acids from full fat soybean, canola oil and black sunflower seeds, to give brilliant coat colour and shine.
Concentrated formulation allows you to add your own grains or any of the feed from the Pryde’s EasiFeed range when additional calories are needed.
Palatable recipe that will be readily accepted by all horses, even when travelling.
Note: Ingredients listed pertain to EasiPrep® for QLD, NSW, VIC, SA & NT.
** EasiPrep® for TAS, WA and Export (incl. NZ, Asia) contains Micronised Sunflowers instead of Whole Black Sunflower Seeds. Nutrient analyses & feeding rates are the same for both versions of EasiPrep®.
Introduce into a horse’s ration gradually over 2 weeks.
Feed additional grains, high energy fibres or oil where extra calories are required. Oats or Pryde’s BioMare Cubes, Energy Pak (extruded corn), Power Pak (extruded barley), EasiFibre or EasiOil are ideal additions. Avoid feeding uncooked corn or barley.
Feed in conjunction with ample forage (pasture, hay and/or chaff).
Make clean, fresh water and salt available at all times.
Adjust the amount fed so it is appropriate for a horse’s body fatness, growth rate, stage of development, training and workload, along with the quality and quantity of forage available.
Divide feeds into two or more smaller meals if feeding more than 0.5 kg per 100 kg of bodyweight in ‘hard feed’ per day.
The feeding rates given here are based on the amount of feed needed to meet a horse’s vitamin and mineral requirements. If you feed below these feeding rates, vitamin and mineral deficiencies will appear in the diet and may affect health and limit growth, sound development and performance. To avoid this, simply add one of Pryde’s EasiBalanced Pellets to top up vitamin and mineral intakes.
Are you feeding below recommended feeding rates? Top up vitamin and mineral levels using a pellet from the Pryde's Easibalanced range. For every 1 kg less than the recommended feeding rates add ONE of these products at the specified rate.
per 1kg
Digestible Energy 13.6MJ
Crude Protein 18.1%
Crude Fibre 6.1%
Lysine 10.0g
Lysine Digestibility*86%
Methionine 2.4g
Methionine Digestibility*86%
Threonine Digestibility*83%
Phosphorous 9.0g
Chloride 5.7g
Magnesium 4.1g
Potassium 9.5g
Copper 72mg
Zinc 200mg
Selenium 1.0mg
Manganese 153mg
Iodine 1.8mg
Cobalt 0.5mg
Chromium 1.8mg
Vitamin A 16900IU
Vitamin E 260IU
Vitamin D 1690IU
Vitamin K9.0mg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 22.8mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 19.9mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 104mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 33.3mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)9.9mg
Folic Acid 5.9mg
Biotin 0.4mg
Vitamin B1253.4µg
* Indicates Protein Bioavailability - the higher the value the easier the protein is to digest
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