Supplements Horse Feeds | Pryde's EasiFeed — Pryde's EasiFeed | Best Horse Feed And Horse Supplement


We know each horse is unique. And we know how much our climate can change, season to season and region to region. We also know how to help fine tune diets so that your horses thrive, regardless of where they are and what they are doing.

We have put together a small, carefully thought out range of supplements that will allow you to fine-tune diets for individual horses. Supplements are all too often over used and unnecessary in diets. In fact, we design our range of feeds so that when fed to directions you shouldn’t need supplements. BUT, the individual needs of some horses and a highly variable climate often throw situations at you that require the adjustment of a diet using supplements to keep horses looking and feeling their best.

Use our supplements to assist with hoof and coat health, weight gain, calm behaviour and staying cooler, hydrated and sweating freely, especially when in hard work or living in hot or humid conditions.

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