High Cal®
Reduce the Risk of 'Bighead'
on Subtropical Pastures
FORM: Balancer Pellets


Suitable for All Disciplines


20 Kg Bag
Suitable for All Disciplines
20 Kg Bag
Formulated specifically for horses grazing high oxalate (calcium binding), subtropical pastures where chronic calcium deficiency and ‘Bighead Disease’ are a risk.
Extra calcium and magnesium counteract the negative effect of high oxalate pastures on the bioavailability of these minerals to maintain bone and joint health.
Set recipe formulation with the same premium quality proteins used in every batch to support muscle building and milk production on subtropical pastures.
Combines copper plus omega fatty acids from full fat soybean and cold pressed canola oil to give brilliant coat colour and shine.
Feed alone where weight control is required or add your own grains or any of the feeds from the Pryde’s EasiFeed range when additional calories are needed.
**Use your horse's expected mature bodyweight to calculate the correct dose. For example a weanling that will mature at 500 kg should receive 5 x 200 g = 1000 g/day.
Light Exercise: Up to 60 mins walking, or 30 mins walking, trotting and cantering.
Moderate Exercise: Up to 120 mins walking and trotting, or 30-60 mins trotting, cantering and some galloping.
Intense Exercise: 30-60 mins intense skill work, short duration galloping, racing and endurance.
Introduce into a horse’s ration gradually over 2 weeks.
Feed in conjunction with ample forage (pasture, hay and/or chaff).
Make clean, fresh water and salt available at all times.
Adjust the amount fed so it is appropriate for a horse’s current activity and bodyweight.
Divide feeds into two or more smaller meals if feeding more than 0.5 kg per 100 kg of bodyweight in ‘hard feed’ per day.
The feeding rates given here are based on the amount of balancer pellet needed to meet a horse’s vitamin and mineral requirements. If you feed below these feeding rates, vitamin and mineral deficiencies will appear in the diet and may affect health and limit growth and sound development, reproduction or performance. It is best to feed this balancer pellet at the recommended amounts.
If you are feeding this balancer pellet in conjunction with one of the Pryde’s EasiFeed range of complete feeds the amount fed may be reduced. See the ‘Keep It Balanced’ information on the back of your feed bag for adjusted feeding rates.
Subtropical grasses contain a compound called ‘oxalate’ that binds calcium and prevents it from being absorbed. Left unsupplemented, horses grazing high oxalate subtropical grasses will become severely calcium deficient. The first symptom is often a ‘shifting lameness’.
per 1kg
Digestible Energy 9.4MJ
Crude Protein15.0%
Crude Fibre 6.4%
Lysine 12.7g
Lysine Digestibility*89%
Methionine 1.9g
Methionine Digestibility*84%
Threonine Digestibility*80%
Chloride 6.9g
Magnesium 24.4g
Potassium 8.0g
Copper 157mg
Zinc 445mg
Selenium 2.4mg
Manganese 362mg
Iodine 3.6mg
Cobalt 1.1mg
Vitamin A 29500IU
Vitamin E 566IU
Vitamin D 4130IU
Vitamin K12.0mg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 47.3mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 12.5mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 117mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 27.9mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)16.5mg
Folic Acid 13.7mg
Biotin 0.4mg
Vitamin B12113µg
* Indicates Protein Bioavailability - the higher the value the easier the protein is to digest
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