Anita Barton




Riding Disciplines

Dressage and Clydesdales


Tina Fairweather,Thomas Meullhenbeck, Brett Parbery, Rozzie Ryan


Jaybee Jaffa, Eucalypt Park Chieftain, Remi Laurisska, Silkbridge Dante, Dondale Dreamer, Windsor Park Coco Chanel, Rosbercon Casanova, Chantilly Lace


Warmbloods x 3, Clydesdales x 4, mini pony x 1

Is your area a noted horse district?  If so give details:

Yes. Thagoona, near Rosewood/Marburg/`Minden

Special care and management considerations of your horse(s):

Nutrition, Nutriceuticals (eg Joint Care), Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Conditioning

Name the most influential person in your riding career and why:

Tina Fairweather - she introduced me to dressage and supported me through every horse I ever trained.

Special highlight(s) in your riding career:

Named on NZ Beijing Olympic Long List, Numerous Championships, 2004 Sharon Doe Young Rider Champion

Describe your first pony:

Lady - fat, hairy, unknown breeding palomino that bucked like a banshee.

Describe your riding history:

I rode PC level Eventing and Showjumping back in New Zealand, before converting to dressage after moving to Australia.

Do you have any hobbies/other interests?

Clydesdales, dog agility

Describe your most embarrassing (horse related) moment, if any:

Being uncerimoniously deposited at my instructors feet by my new 'superstar' in our first lesson before I had even gotten my bottom in the saddle.

Do you have any 'other' animals?

Simba  and Skye (Dogs)

What are your ambitions?

To ride my horses to the best of my abilities all the time and to never stop enjoying what I do.

What do you require from your horse feed?

Cool, responsive energy – Yes

Balanced minerals and vitamins - Yes

Coat condition - Yes

No fuss breeding feeds - Yes

Which Pryde's feeds do you use and why do you like them?

EasiResponse - cool energy and glossy coat;

Easisport – cool energy for my feed-sensitive red-headed mare

Easioil – cool energy and conditioning for my feed-sensitive red-headed mare, and conditioning and shine for my other horses

BioMare Cubes - no fuss balanced diet for broodmares and growing foals.

Have you trained or coached any riders who have had success?

I mentor a few young riders, but try to avoid coaching as i judge frequently

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Australian Teams

Level 1
Level 2

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