Kimberley Sammon — Pryde's EasiFeed | Best Horse Feed And Horse Supplement

Kimberley Sammon

Kimberley Sammon Pryde's EasiFeed

Riding Disciplines



Silver Gold, Pistol Packing Lena, Oak So Smart and many others


Quarter Horses and Quarter Horses x Stock Horses

Name the most influential person in your riding career and why:

It would without doubt be my Mun & Dad as they have supported and carried me to a lot of my success. If it wasn't for them I would not have had half the opportunities I've had.

Describe your riding history:

I started riding when I was 3 yo. I've spent most of my time mustering on cattle stations and breaking and training horses.

Special highlight(s) in your riding career:

Winning all my titles and my runner up Open Rider. I've run 2nd at Warwick Gold Cup & 2nd at Paradise Super Beef Open. My win in the Canning Downs at Warwick. Just to name a few.

What are your ambitions?

To win an Open Rider Title and Warwick Gold Cup.

Have you trained or coached any riders who have had success?

I have run many schools.

Special care and management considerations of your horse(s):

Nutrition, Feet, Teeth and Chiro are a main priority in my team of horses.

Which Pryde's feeds do you use and why do you like them?

I feed EasiRide with Pryde's EasiOil to all my horses, it keeps their mind, condition and coats in fantastic order. If I'm competing every weekend and my horses are in hard work I will also feed EasiPerformance for energy.

How will Pryde's Sponsorship make a difference to you?

Pryde's EasiFeed is a high quality feed that makes feeding easy for me and gives me peace of mind that my horses are getting all their nutritional needs.

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Australian Teams

Level 1
Level 2

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