Riding discipline:
George Morris
Currently have a team of 9 horses including:
- Oaks Diabella
- Oaks Centurian
- Bolero De La Vie Z
- For Fly Heldenlaan Z
- Ulouve B Z
- Kitty Hawk being the top horses.
All warmblood except for kitty hawk who is Irish sport horse
What do you feed:
I feed Pryde's EasiResult, EasiResponse and EasiRide
What do you require from your horses feed:
Well balanced feed that has the ingredients to sustain a healthy horse and the energy levels suitable for a competition horse.
Special care and management considerations of your horses:
We have a very extensive management program from veterinary through to feed all designed for maintenance and prevention to ensure our horses have the longest career possible.
Special highlights in your riding career:
Fortunate enough to have competed throughout America, Canada and New Zealand as well as all over Australia all of which have been highlights What are your riding ambitions: to continue to produce very nice quality showjumping horses and continue to compete throughout Australia and one day take some back overseas.
Name the most influential person in your riding career:
George Morris
Do you have any hobbies/other interests:
Snow skiing