"High quality and also fits into my budget"

Hello Pryde's EasiFeed team,

I just wanted to let you know that I have been a user of your feed on and off for many years now because of it's high quality and it also fits into my budget.  The only time I haven't used it was when I lived in an area that didn't have any of your stockists.

Last year, I rescued an emaciated horse who I honestly wasn't even sure if I could save.  When I ran my hands over him, all I could feel was skin on bone and his coat was full and course. It broke my heart! I put him onto a twice a day feed regime of chaff and Pryde's EasiResponse, and over the next 4 months I documented his progress. At the end of the 4 months, I compared the photos from then to day 1 and I was blown away by the results. Your product helped save his life. When I ran my hands over him after the first 4 months, I couldn't feel any bone and his coat was soft and smooth and even his hooves were in better condition.

I have attached some before and after photos for you to see for yourself.


Thank you!
