Amazing change in physical and mental condition in just under 7 weeks!

Hello Pryde's EasiFeed,

I am writing you to say thank you for making such fantastic feeds, and having such great people on your team.

In late September I picked up my young Warmblood from a 'trainer' after some weeks there, and the condition she was in was so bad I had to hold back tears the whole way home. I had the good fortune of meeting a lovely lady representing Pryde's at the Total Equine Expo in Toowoomba a few days later who was SO helpful and kind about helping me figure out what was best to try to get my poor half starved horse back to health. I've fed Pryde's products for years, but never had to put so much weight back onto a horse.

Luna is a 4 year old Holsteiner, which ordinarily means she'd eat nearly anything, yet she came home anxious, and hesitant to eat, only picking at hay and ignoring the pellets she'd usually devour immediately. She checked out fine (just underweight) with the vet. I discussed all of this at the expo and it was suggested to try her on EasiResult. After a little trickery to get her to try it, Luna decided it tasted pretty good and was soon putting away enough for a few horses, as well as a truckload of ad-lib hay. As her appetite turned around, her anxiety faded and she was soon back to being the calm and sweet horse I knew.

The picture collage below shows the result from the 20th September (bottom right) when she came home, 10th October (bottom right), through to today (November 6th) at the top. Such an amazing change in weight and general physical and mental condition in just under 7 weeks! Now she is at a much better weight, she is enjoying EasiSport (my feed of choice) as well as EasiResult and rhodes grass hay. The pally in the background of the picture loves his EasiSport and Biomare too!

The plan now is to get her fully back to where she should be, then to start her training, with the view to training in dressage and doing some shows so she can get out and see the world. I am going to have to get myself a new cap though! She keeps stealing my Pryde's cap off of my head and carrying it around! Obviously she knows a good thing when she sees it.
