Riding Disciplines
My Mum, Sally Devlin, Jenny Gerhke and Nicole Tough
Brimstone Anakiwa aka Sam
Anamour Warmblood
Describe your riding history:
I have been around horses my whole life; sitting on mums horses before I got myown. I got my first pony when i was about five and have never looked back since!
Special highlight(s) in your riding career:
- 2014 National Young Riders squad
- 2013 Advanced Queensland Young Rider of the Year
- 2013 National Young Riders Advanced Reserve Champion
- 2013 State Young Riders Medium Champion
What are your ambitions?
I have many near furture ambitions; such as complete my first Intermediate 1 test on Sam towards the end of the year, and also start developing Passage and Piaffe (YAY!)My future ambitions would be to comete successfully at Grand Prix level with Sam. To travel overseas training with different coaches, developing my knowledge and skills.
Have you trained or coached any riders who have had success?
(As mentioned) I most regularly train with Jenny Gehrke and Nicole Tough, who have both competed successfully at Grand Prix level, and are both great coaches! I also have been very fortunate to train with Rozzie Ryan for two days at the 2013 Queensland state Young Riders camp; and will again at the 2014 Queensland Young Riders camp in April.
Which Pryde's feeds do you use and why do you like them?
We feed EasiSport, EasiResponse, EasiResult, Pryde's Polished. We have been feeding Pryde's for quite some time, and the results are fantastic! Sam struggled with putting condition on; and when we started feeding him Pryde's, he FINALLY started to fill out!
How will Pryde's Sponsorship make a difference to you?
The Pryde's Sponsorship will make a big difference to Sam and myself by providing quality feed that will keep us performing our best! Thankyou, Ron Major and Pryde's EasiFeed for supporting a Young Rider. I'm not a professional and therefore PRyde's sponsorahip means they are supporting the 'Grass Roots' of the equestrian sport as I am only 16.