Jenna Rathgeber



Riding Disciplines

Mainly I compete in Western Pleasure, but still dabble in Dressage and Hacking occasionally. 


Ken Davison


I just sold my main horse Music Seeker, so now bringing on two young ones, Firewheel Inna Spin (Max) and TallyS Kissedoutoncolour (Maverick)


QH and Paint Bred

What do you feed?

I feed Pryde's EasiRespone, 150 Pellets, EasiOil and Polished

What do you require from your horse feed?

Most of the time I need something that is low in fat but all the minerals to keep them looking great.

Special care and management considerations of your horse(s):

These two are pretty low maintenance

What are your riding ambitions?

State QH horse show and Nationals 2017

Name the most influential person in your riding career:

Brian McMahon, not just a trainer and mentor, a true horseman. 

Do you have any hobbies/other interests?

Kite-surfing if there is an afternoon free

Australian Teams

Level 1
Level 2

New Zealand Teams

All Riders